Medcare at hospital


LGI manufactures and distributes medical gases mainly used in hospitals, clinics & generalists mostly for medical and surgical treatments within quality and safety international standards, i.e SANS532-2009.

The principal gases provided are medical oxygen, medical air, medical entonox & medical nitrous oxide.

Gas Equipment

In view to optimize performance, extra safety and consistent reliability, LGI has launched its medical gas equipment range which is currently available in its brand new showroom; ‘Weld One’ and distributed all over the island.

Installation / Gas Reticulation

LGI offers the service of supply & Installation of Gas Reticulation System. This complete service facilitates the distribution of products / gas for the company and final customer. Some references: Flacq Hospital, STPI, City Clinic, Victoria Hospital, Queen Elizabeth Hospital – Rodrigues, Jawaharlal Nehru Hospital, Clinique Mauricienne, Subramania Bharati Eye Hospital – Moka


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Click on the links below to download the Technical Sheets


Click on the links below to download the Technical Sheets